The Ragtime Kid Program is designed to promote a deeper understanding of the ragtime music style, its history, repertoire, composers, and performers. Of course, this is a lot to cover, but the program is flexible to the areas of the awardee’s interest, while also seeking to expand the breadth of their ragtime knowledge.
After a period of scouting, recruitment, and applications, a Ragtime Kid is chosen. They then meet with the Ragtime Kid Program Director to design a course of study that will culminate in a project, presentation, or performance at the Scott Joplin Festival. For example, a pianist interested in learning or refining their performances of Scott Joplin rags will take lessons and work with top performers of the ragtime style. Similarly, a person interested in researching some aspect of ragtime will work with noted historians of the style to produce a document or project. Additionally, an honorarium of $500 is awarded to the Ragtime Kid, to be conferred at the festival.
To apply for the Ragtime Kid program, please read the Call For Applications 2025 and Ragtime Kid RULES 2025 documents carefully before filling out the Ragtime Kids APP 2025, and submit the form to sjfsedalia@gmail.com. The deadline to submit forms for the 2025 Ragtime Kid Program is March 23, 2025.